2021 Athletics Day Online

On Tuesday this week, the Heads of Sport ran an Online Athletics Day in lieu of our usual Athletics Day which was cancelled due to lockdown. The challenge they set was for students and teachers to send in a video of themselves doing an athletics based activity in their house coloured costumes. Each video sent in gave house points for their house, with bonus points for cool costumes or creative ideas. This was a raging success as there were over 500 entries and it was so cool to see so many participating, even a few teachers! It was fun to see the many ideas people came up with such as setting up their own high jump, making full home videos and even getting their pets/families involved. The winning house was Mcauley!! Congratulations to those girls and everyone else for getting out of their comfort zone and participating. There will be prizes given out at the next whole school assembly for best costumes, best teacher, most creative ideas etc. and there will also be a compilation video sent out of some of the best videos – so keep an eye out for that. The final points board can be seen above.

Katie Linstrom and Grace Buxton, Heads of Sport