2024-2026 Strategic Plan Community Survey

Last Wednesday, 19 July, all current parents and caregivers were sent an email which outlined that the Board of Trustees and school are beginning work on the college’s new strategic plan. As part of this work we are wanting to know what our community thinks is important to include in our new strategic plan. The email also contained a link to a survey which we would appreciate all completing. The survey closes Wednesday 2 August.
If you have not received this email, or are yet to complete it, we encourage you to please do so by Wednesday 2 August.  Below is the information and the link to the survey:

We are wanting to hear your thoughts about what you think is important to include in the Carmel College Strategic Plan 2024–2026. This document guides the strategic decisions made by the board to support students during their time at school and ensure that they are prepared for life after Carmel College. The strategic plan will continue to be centred around our school vision:

“Empowering young women through a Catholic education in the Mercy tradition to pursue personal excellence and to be prepared to challenge and shape the future”.

It will also be underpinned by our school values which are embedded across everything we do. Our school values are:

  • Awhinatanga – Service
  • Whakaute – Respect
  • Tika – Justice
  • Manaakitanga – Care
  • Māia – Courage

The survey will firstly ask you about our current strategic areas and how well you think we have done in addressing each of these. The strategic areas for 2022–2025 are:

  • Special Character – The Catholic and Mercy values of Carmel College are central to everything we do and who we are.
  • Learning and Teaching – Engage all learners in quality teaching and learning programmes to achieve personal excellence in life and be learners for life.
  • Community – Build and enhance effective relationships and partnerships within Carmel College, Carmel College community and the wider community.
  • Stewardship – Provide high quality stewardship/kaitiakitanga to protect our legacy and ensure continuous improvement and sustainable success.

The next part of the survey will ask you about other potential strategic areas to adopt and what you think are the important characteristics, skills, and experiences Carmel College students need to graduate with.

Your feedback is important to ensure that our strategic vision aligns with the vision for education and pathways held by our school community. We want to ensure that our strategic plan reflects the wants, needs, and aspirations for young women attending Carmel College and will support us to prepare them for successful futures.

The survey should take around 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Your answers can be as brief or as detailed as you would like.  The survey link will be open until Wednesday 2 August.

Please follow the link below to access the survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CarmelCommunity