Proprietor Board

Together, the Directors of Carmel College Auckland Ltd (CCAL) make up what is more commonly known as the Proprietor Board.

This Board of Directors was established by Mercy Ministries Ltd to represent the Sisters of Mercy at Carmel.

The Proprietor Board holds responsibility for supervising, preserving and safe-guarding the Special Character of the school, as provided in the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975 and the Integration Agreement for the school.  The Proprietors are also tasked with the policy and planning of the school’s capital works and buildings.

The current Directors on this CCAL Board are:

  • Judy Whiteman (Chair)
  • Katherine Black
  • Danica McPhee
  • Kevin Maloney
  • Sam Pasley
  • Pravina Singh
  • Bernadette Stockman
  • The Principal/tumuaki, Sarah Kemble, while not a director of the Board, does attend the Board meetings and makes a significant contribution.

Current Carmel College Auckland Appointees to the School Board are:

  • Pravina Singh (CCAL Director)
  • Bernadette Stockman (CCAL Director)
  • Stuart Houliston
  • Tiana Miocevich

Any questions please contact the Secretary to the Proprietor Board, Jane Meurant

Phone: 64 9 486 1132 ext:704