Common Questions

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Who can help you?


Alexander House Kathy Giles
Cecilia Maher House Sarah Menzies
Justine House Kelly-Marie Watts
Kelly House Liz Walker
McAuley House Fiona Blank-Sahinkaya
Pompallier House Rosie Banfield
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Learning Support

There is a Learning Support Department in the school for students with special learning needs. Head of the Department of Learning Support is Ms Shanks

Guidance Counsellor

A Guidance Counsellor is available to help students. All counselling aims at helping students resolve their own problems.

Key tasks include helping students:

  • Where there are difficulties relating to other students
  • With personal problems

Guidance Counsellors: Jacqui Ivankovich, Fleur Knowles and Carolyn Purdie.

Career Advisors

If you need help with:

  • Career information
  • Finding work experience opportunities
  • Preparing for job interviews and CVs
  • Linking into short polytech courses

Careers Advisor: Mrs Bruce


If you feel troubled or annoyed by someone harassing you, it is important to see someone about it. You could talk to:

  • Your Teacher
  • The School Counsellor
  • Your Dean
  • Staff in the School Office
  • A Student Leader