
This year, Carmel College entered 8 teams from Year 7-10 into the annual Mathex Competition held in Kohimarama. Mathex is a fun, interactive competition that involves mathematical problem solving and application. The teams did really well with most placing in the top 3rd and a Year 10 and a Year 7 team attaining a score of 95 out of a possible 100. The Year 10 team consisted of Tashya Wijesinha, Swetlana Khoo, Seraphina Kim and Lucy Feng, while the Year 7 team included Angela Braganza, Seanna Watson, Libby Woodbury and Alessia Martin. Congratulations to everyone who participated; we’d like to thank all the parents and members of staff who helped us, especially Mrs Roser, Mr Kim and Dr Carlton who prepared all our practise papers and organised the entry. If anyone is interested in joining for next year, we highly recommend it, Mathex is a fun and supportive way to expand your education (plus you get a free pen!)

Annise Boothroyd and Ava Croker, Year 10

Pictured above is the Year 9 Mathex team

Pictured here is the Year 7 team