Ko Mauao te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te Moana
Ko Mataatua te Waka
Ko Ngai Tauwhau te hapu
Ko Maurice Nelson Au.
Tēna koutou katoa te hapori ō Carmel College.
My name is Maurice Nelson and I am joining the Carmel College whanau as head of Te Reo Māori. I am joining Team Carmel via Saint Kentigern and St Mary’s College, where I held the role of Teacher in charge of Te Reo Māori.
My teaching career started on Waiheke Island over 10 years ago, which is where I also met my lovely wife Leah over 30 years ago. Together we raised four beautiful children, three of which continue their schooling in Years, 7, 11 and 13 at Sancta Maria College, our eldest son currently attends university at the Manukau campus.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work at Carmel for two reasons. The first is to help raise the profile and presence of the Māori culture and language in the school, and two, I am looking forward to immersing myself in the core values of a Mercy School once again.
My main role at Carmel College is to teach Te Reo Māori from Year 7 to 13, however I am also in charge of several Year 7 Tikanga classes. I have a passion for all sports particularly basketball, rugby and touch rugby, so if I’m not in the whanau room you may see me out in the community at one of your daughters games.
Lastly, I enjoy connecting people to the Māori culture through Kapa haka, and this year is such an exciting year for us. It is only due to connections within the community that we have the possibility of working with an external organization who will offer lessons for our students. I would like to thank our school Tū Wahine, Salevasa Gray and her whanau for their contribution in making this happen.
In addition, I will be encouraging and supporting our Carmel staff with several initiatives to strengthen their knowledge of Te Reo me Te Ao Māori (the language and the Māori world views)
“He waka eke noa” We are in this together.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou,
nā Matua Maurice