We are still seeing a number of skirts and blazers around the school which have faded. You may recall from previous communications that there was a fault in the fabric from several batches of our new uniform. The uniform supplier has accepted responsibility for this and is committed to replacing any skirts, shorts or blazers where this fading is evident, free of charge.
You can return any skirt, shorts or blazer to the NZ Uniform store in Albany if fading is evident, and receive a free replacement (in the size of your choice) with no questions asked. It does not matter if you have had the items for a number of years, or if your daughter is using a second-hand uniform – you can still exchange for a brand new item. There is no time limit on this exchange programme but we would like to see the faded items removed from circulation as soon as possible.
To check for fading you can compare the fabric by turning over the hem of the skirt to see the inside fabric of the skirt vs the outside or by flipping the lapels in on the blazer to compare.
If you have any questions about this fading issue, please email Ms Rosanna Fouhy (Deputy Principal) rfouhy@carmel.school.nz