Year 11 PE Camp


Last week the Year 11 PE classes went to Tui Ridge Park just outside of Rotorua for a fun-filled, challenging three-day camp.

We arrived at school bright and early to catch the bus at 0800, bags packed and full of excitement!  When we arrived, we sorted out our sleeping arrangements. The accommodation was outstanding. Only four people were in each room, and we had our own kitchen, bathroom and shower!!

We participated in several fun activities that tested our confidence during the days. However, working as a team we ensured we were all physically and mentally safe. We biked in bushes, climbed rocky walls, swung from 20 metres high, tramped through the pitch black forest and challenged our general knowledge and singing voices.  These activities were fun but also helped us build trust in each other.

Every meal was a gourmet feast thanks to the amazing chefs and we even had a birthday cake for a birthday in the group! On Friday, we packed up and enjoyed our final team challenge of walking across ‘hot lava’ while protected by a safety helmet.  The aim, to find a solution and get the team safely across the lava. Unfortunately, the activity didn’t go entirely to plan and a lesson in how things can go wrong even with the best safety action plans was had.

Overall the trip was fantastic. We had so much fun developing friendships and creating lifelong memories. We challenged ourselves, each other and were a supportive team that achieved so much in three short days.

Thank you so much to all the teachers who gave up their “after-hours time” to organise a great camp and spend time with us.

Kayla Proctor, Year 11