On Tuesday 30 May and Wednesday 31 May, Year 10 students will be participating in a mixture of off-site and on-site activities designed to address the importance of taking care of all aspects of our life to support their well-being. Students will take part in a retreat (off-site at St Joseph’s Parish Hall) and on-site workshops related to building connections and developing personal well-being strategies to support Hauora.
- Well-being day: on-site at Carmel 8.45am to 3.15pm as usual
- Retreat day: St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Takapuna 9.00am arrival for 9.15am to 2.45pm (to allow time for walking/ travel)
Tuesday 30 May
- Alexandra, Justine, and McAuley Houses will attend the retreat at St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Taharoto Rd
- Cecilia Maher, Kelly and Pompallier Houses will attend the Hauora Day onsite at Carmel College
Wednesday 31 May
- Cecilia Maher, Kelly, and Pompallier Houses will attend the retreat @St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Taharoto Rd, Takapuna
- Alexandra, Justine, and McAuley Houses will attend the Hauora day onsite at Carmel College
If you have any questions about:
- Retreat day please contact Ms Fouhy (Deputy Principal) at rfouhy@carmel.school.nz
- Well-being day please contact Mrs Harrod (Deputy Principal) at sharrod@carmel.school.nz