From The Principal

The Church feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel falls on 16 July, during the school holidays, so tomorrow we celebrate Carmel Day. This day is central to what it means to belong to our community. Our college is named for Mary, our Lady of Carmel, and our devotion to Mary is seen in our school motto, ‘Mana Maria’. Our motto encourages each of us to embody the virtues of Mary, a woman of faith, courage and compassion. Tomorrow’s celebrations are important to our students, particularly in a year which has seen earlier school events cancelled due to weather.

Industrial action by the PPTA has been withdrawn, but there is a Paid Union Meeting (PUM) next week which will mean the college will close at 12.00pm following period 3. With a resolution to the negotiations between the PPTA and the Ministry of Education hopefully in sight, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students and each of you who have supported your daughter in her learning during this disrupted Term. Our students have adapted and navigated this period with a positive approach and focus on their learning. It has been very pleasing to hear staff discuss the ways that students have applied themselves and made the most of their time working from home, and whilst we know being at school and learning with their peers is the optimal place to be, many students have not let recent disruptions deter them from their learning and academic goals.

I would also like to highlight that during the last fortnight many activities and events have continued to run. In particular, our Intermediate team who participated in the Festival of Rugby, deserve special recognition. This team came together to take part in the girls tackle category and despite nerves, especially as most were new to tackle rugby, showed courage and embraced this new experience. A staff member from another school emailed me following the festival to share how amazing the team was and wrote, ‘They got out there with determination and gave it their all, showed fantastic sportsmanship and still came off the field with a smile on their faces.’  This is a true example of how our young women live our school vision and values, as they are courageous in their pursuits and embody the virtues of Mary, a woman of faith, courage and compassion.

Finally, this week we farewell Miss Lucy Beaumont. Lucy has been at Carmel for the past 5 years and during her time has taught Year 7, along with Social Studies and Senior History. Lucy leaves Carmel to go on her OE, and although she will be missed by students and staff alike I would like to acknowledge and thank her for her contribution and service to the college. Lucy, we wish you all the very best for the fun, challenges and adventures that await and as you know, once a ‘Carmel girl, always a Carmel girl’. We hope to see you back sometime in the future. 

In light of Carmel Day tomorrow, our Carmel College School Prayer;

E te Atua Atawhai,

We thank you for blessing Carmel College.

We give thanks for our Mercy foundation
and for all who have served our Carmel Community.

May Jesus, our teacher, 

Mary, our Guide, 

and Catherine McAuley, who showed us the path of Mercy, 

inspire us:

to be women of service;

who respect others and creation; 

who advocate for justice;

who show courage and care in all our actions;

and who walk humbly with you, our God.
