Sports News

Upcoming Events 

  • Sunday 17 September – Cheerleading Spring Carnival
  • Monday 18 September – Year 7/8 Touch Trials
  • Tuesday 19 September – Year 7/8 Volleyball North Harbour Zone Day
  • Wednesday 20 September – Year 7/8 Touch Trials
  • Thursday 21 September – Year 9-13 Sports Achievement forms are due

Term 4 Summer Sports 

Tennis Year 7-10 North Harbour  Season – Signup
Netball Year 7-9 Carmel Social League – Team Signup
Tag Football Year 9/10 Auckland Tournament – Signup
Touch Rugby Year 7/8 North Harbour Season – Signup
Hockey Year 7-12 Skill Sessions – Signup

Uniform Returns

It’s time to return any borrowed playing uniform or outerwear jackets from the 2023 Winter sports season.  Please note that anyone with outstanding uniforms not returned by the end of Term 3 will be charged for the replacement.