From The Principal

A big welcome back to Term 4.  Although the term break may now feel like a distant memory, it is great to see students and staff back at school and reconnecting with their friends, peers and colleagues as we quickly fall back into routine. 

It was pleasing to see at Assembly this week a huge celebration of students across the college participating and being celebrated through their involvement in cultural, sporting, academic and community events from Term 3.

The following students were awarded the Term 3 Spirit of Mercy award that acknowledges students, who have been nominated by students and teachers, as outstanding role models who have lived out our 5 Core Mercy values; Āwhinatanga – Service; Whakaute – Respect; Tika – Justice; Manaakitanga – Care and Māia – Courage.

Term 3 Junior Term 3 Senior
Alex House Amelia O’Grady Kirsten Barberini
Justine House Sophie Nehemia Chelsea Gardner
McAuley House Ayla Crawford Chelsea Brown
Cecilia Maher House Kayla Swanson Yoana Ho
Pompallier House Aanya Dogra Ruby Gillum
Kelly House Elliott Hou Daragh Bonnici

Our Heads of Sport, Hilary Halpin and Amy O’Neill, delivered the Term 3 sports wrap-up, acknowledging a wide range of sporting successes.  We look forward to hearing more about this year’s sporting achievements at the Sports Awards next week.  Our Tu Wahine, Sophie O’Farrell and Matua Maurice acknowledged and celebrated those who took part in the 100 word challenge during Te Wiki O te reo, and this was followed by an outstanding performance by Amy Buchanan, Imari Chua, Frankie Clewett, Emmarose de Guzman, Angelene Ronquillo, Sorsha Scott-Donelan, and Océane Stanfield who performed at the Kung Fu Wu Shu Championship in September.  This team achieved 5th place in the group events, earning the title of best performance team.

The final acknowledgement and celebration at Assembly was to students in Year 8 who placed first in each category in the Eco-Fashion unit of work.  This unit of work has become a stand out area of learning for our Year 8 students who learn about the impact this industry has on our environment and on people, and which sees them design and produce a garment worthy of the cat walk from fabrics and materials that would normally be destined for the landfill.  To all of our Year 8 students, and their teachers, well done and thank you.

Every term in a school year is busy, but during Term 4 the school environment is abuzz as students have chosen options for the following year and are excited about new opportunities.  Students working towards their NCEA qualifications are completing Internal Assessments, crunching their credit and rank score calculations and preparing for their external examinations.  On top of this, celebrations and acknowledgements are being arranged and are beginning to take place with breakfasts, lunches, assemblies and prize giving all beginning next week.

To our senior students, we wish them well in their preparations for their final NCEA examinations, but ask that as parents you are aware that your daughter may need support with her organisation, prioritisation and overall time management as she balances her extracurricular activities and academic responsibilities.  Please, have ‘check in’ conversations and if you or your daughter needs support or guidance from the College in this regard, reach out. 

To our junior students, I would like to remind them that through their participation in school, by being involved in various activities and opportunities, they will develop the skills and attributes to be equipped and empowered to pursue their own personal excellence and will be prepared to challenge and shape their futures.  So please encourage your daughter to make the most of this final term of 2023.

We wish all of our community the very best, and we ask for God’s blessing on a successful term.