Year 7-10 Service Assignments Handed In

Hundreds of junior students handed in their annual record of service – a torrent of good energy put to good use.

“I helped my church pack bread for their foodbank” … “cleaned up the Waterwise area” … “created gift packages for mental health awareness week” … “for service this year I did SPCA toy making, hair donation, Anzac parade, cancer donation page, helping out in the food tech room, setting up chairs in the hall for the Year 7&8 speech finals, rubbish collecting and yummy apple sticker collection.”

A lot of good things are happening through student service – and perhaps the most valuable is in their hearts.

I have learned that providing service for my community makes me feel happy and accomplished.  It makes me want to help more people and share my happiness with others.  It has also made me learn to work with new people and that team work is important because it gives me a chance to be  responsible and learn to be more organised with my time.  I have also learned to be more compassionate towards the people around me so I can be more helpful and eager to help.

Annabelle Boyd, Year 8