Pupuke Waterwise Celebrate 40 Years

Last week, Carmel College was a part of the 40 year anniversary celebrations for Pupuke Waterwise.

Many long term founding members attended from all over the North Island including principals past and present, business organisations and service clubs.  In the early years a huge amount of work by dedicated volunteers relying on funding from local businesses, was put into the development of the building.   This huge endeavour involved over 40 working bees in the first year which resulted in a dynamite blast of some of the rocks in the lake to clear a space for the platform we see today.

Pupuke Waterwise is the original centre for Waterwise in New Zealand and was opened in 1985 by their Royal Highnesses, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, during their visit when Prince William was adorned with the famous Buzzy Bee toy.  Over the years Waterwise has seen thousands of North Shore intermediate and primary aged students go through its programme with the help of countless volunteers who help to facilitate and instruct the programme.  Our young people have been provided with the opportunity to enjoy Lake Pupuke learning teamwork, cooperation, sailing skills and most importantly resilience.

Special recognition must go to Mrs Jenny Green for her years of service, and her efforts in hosting and coordinating the anniversary celebration is well deserved.  It’s clear that Pupuke Waterwise has made a lasting and positive impact on the community, and it’s heartening to know that Carmel College is committed to sending our girls to benefit from this programme in the future.