Thanksgiving Mass

Our Thanksgiving Mass was held on Wednesday 1 November recognising this year’s leavers and celebrating a year of teaching and learning focusing on our Mercy value of Maia – Courage.  A guard of honour was formed by the whole school to farewell our Year 13 students.


As we leave our boats behind today, let us remember the journey that has brought us here. 

Together, we have grown up in this place, learning, laughing, exploring, and discovering the people that we are meant to be. 

As we go our separate ways and embrace life beyond this school, let us be filled with the spirit of Mercy and the unforgettable memories that we have made here at Carmel.

Although we have faced challenges and hardships, change and uncertainty, we have made it – as strong, resilient and capable young women, ready to take our place in the world.

Let us be filled with curiosity, hope and success, knowing that we are capable of anything that we want to achieve. 

And no matter where we find ourselves, let us always know that we have a community, a place to return to, and a group of people to call our own.