NCEA External Exams 2023

All girls in Years 11-13 are now on exam study leave.  NCEA exams start on Monday 6 November to Wednesday 29 November.
Please find some helpful links below to the NCEA exam timetable and to the ppt that we shared with the girls after our NCEA exam briefing assembly last week.  The process for applying for derived grades in the case of girls being unable to attend an exam is on the Year level google classrooms.  If your daughter is not attending an exam she should let her subject teacher know as a matter of courtesy.  Girls may have some tutorials set up with their teachers.  Please liaise with the subject teacher if you have any subject specific questions.
LINK to NCEA external exams information for students ppt
LINK to NCEA external exam timetable
We have an NCEA information evening for parents coming up next week on
Thursday 9 November at 6pm in the school Theatre.
All parents are welcome; however, this is really aimed at the current Year 10 parents who will be new to NCEA and whose daughters will be going through the revised NCEA programme (starting in 2024).

If you have questions about NCEA please email Ms Rosanna Fouhy, Deputy Principal (NZQA, Principal’s Nominee) –