De Paul House Christmas Appeal – please give generously

The De Paul House Christmas appeal has always been part of our Carmel tradition.  Please give generously to this appeal.  They are looking for Christmas treats to compliment the gifts and vouchers they hope to provide to every child, teenager and adult, as well as the usual items to keep their foodbank stocked for AFTER Christmas and over the holidays.

De Paul House is in Northcote.  They provide emergency housing on the North Shore for families in need and, currently, they are supporting over 230 children and 167 adults and over 18 year-olds.

It would be great if you could also speak to your families about donating money towards the appeal (see bank details) but Carmel has committed to providing a generous supply of Christmas treats and food for their food bank.

This collection will run until the end of school on 7 December.

Thank you for making it a priority to remember to speak to your families and donate as generously as you can.