Carmel Students Attend Rotary Forum

During the summer holidays we had the opportunity to attend the annual Rotary National Science and Technology Forum.  During the 2 weeks of the forum, we lived in the Auckland University twin tower halls along with 166 other Year 12 students all around New Zealand.  We attended various hands-on lectures exposing us to different fields of science and technology such as molecular biology, mechatronics, physics, chemistry, and nutrition.  We also engaged in fun activities such as a volleyball tournament, a beach day, and a dragon’s den competition where we had to invent an innovative product/service.

During these 2 weeks, we met and developed friendships with many different people.  The forum was an amazing, unforgettable experience, and we learnt so much about life as a university student and STEM.

Pruna Lee & Melinda Chen, Year 13