From The Principal

Last week concluded with the Year 13 Carmel College school Ball at the Ellerslie Event Centre.  Memories of our own school Ball are something special that many of us hold close to our hearts, and those who attended Friday’s Ball created their own magical memories and enjoyed a spectacular event.  All attendees, including our staff chaperones, looked absolutely glamorous.  The venue, decorations, food and music were enjoyed by all and many spent the evening dancing away.  A big thank you to the Ball Committee for your organisation and hard work in making the evening such a success.

On a similar note, we now look forward to the Year 8 Carmel/Rosmini Social next Friday 24 May.  This will be held at Carmel and be part of the fundraising efforts for our football team who are heading to Canberra in July.  There are further details about the social in the newsletter.

Significant events, such as a ball or a social, rely on a lot of work behind the scenes, as does the day to day running of the college.  At Carmel we are so fortunate to have an amazing support and administration team working across the school.  This week, it is fitting to not only be Māia/Courage week, but also Support Staff Week.

So many things happen daily, if not hourly, to ensure the smooth running of our school.  To our team who all contribute and participate in so many various ways, meeting so many demands and needs, we thank you.  Your time, effort and dedication is not unnoticed or taken for granted and we are all so very grateful for your support.

Another area of support that our school benefits from is our Carmel College Auckland Limited Proprietor Board who this week farewelled Peter Beckett as a director after 7 years of service.  In Peter’s role as a Director of CCAL, he also sat on the school Board of Trustees as a proprietor rep, which saw him chairing and sitting on multiple sub-committees within this governance realm.  On each Board, Peter generously shared his financial wisdom and his focus on Special Character.  To you Peter, we give you our heartfelt thanks for your service to governance, for your dedication and for the perspectives you brought, ensuring our students are at the centre of governance decisions.

While we farewelled Peter, three new Directors were commissioned to CCAL; Katharine Black, Pravina Singh and Sam Pasley.  We welcome each of you to your governance role on CCAL and look forward to the positive contributions that each of you will bring for our school community as the Board strives to not only maintain but enhance our Special Character and school property.

May you meet mercy each day;

In the light of your heart, at the hands of loved ones,

In the eyes of a stranger and the needy

And if by chance you do not at first meet it,

Then search your heart for it. Listen patiently for word of it,

And it will tap you on the shoulder,

A quiet surprise, a small gesture, then tender look,

given and received in the encounters of your day.

Mary Wickham rsm