From the Associate Principal, Karen Mitchell

Improving our Learning Environment: an update

Improving the learning environment in a school involves creating spaces that enhance student engagement, support diverse learning needs, and foster a positive and productive atmosphere.

As an integrated school, much of the responsibility and financial support for improving the physical learning environment lies with the proprietor – Carmel College Auckland Limited.  Each year CCAL in conjunction with the BOT and the school leadership set a series of projects to improve our school environment.  So far this year CCAL has enabled:

  • the installation of a new canopy providing shaded space for outdoor learning, sports and recreation;
  • the installation of heat pumps in a range of classrooms to improve air quality and make classroom temperatures more comfortable for learning;
  • the remediation of our boat ramp (following damage in Cyclone Gabrielle) so that we will be able to safely resume curriculum activities such as kayaking and paddle boarding;
  • the refurbishment of the Hall kitchen to facilitate more functions.  The first function to use this upgraded facility will be the PTFA as they host the Parent Daughter breakfast on Friday 7 June;
  • the installation of a new kitchenette for students to be able to microwave food and get hot water for drinks/noodles/soup (this will become operational shortly).