From The Principal

It is wonderful to see, through participation and success in extracurricular activities, our young women developing the skills and attributes to be equipped and empowered to pursue their own personal excellence and preparing to challenge and shape their futures, whilst being young woman of Mercy who act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.

Last week we had 74 students away at Winter Tournament week being supported by their coaches, managers, family and friends.  There were some outstanding results and, for a number of our Year 13 students, this has seen their final game played in a winter code.  Throughout the week each of our young women represented our college community with pride, and importantly themselves.

As this week draws to a close we are seeing similar stories from Tauranga as AIMs began on Sunday.  We have over 50 students competing from Year 7&8 across the following sports: football, netball, hockey,  swimming, tennis, rock climbing, yachting and mountain biking.

I know there have been a lot of very excited young women looking forward to this week who are being supported by coaches, some of whom are senior students, managers, teachers and family, and again, their dedication, hard work and sportsmanship is pleasing to see.  Please do refer to the sports news in the newsletter which includes some wonderful results and highlights of the weeks away for sport.

This week has also seen senior students in Year 11 to 13 begin their practice NCEA external assessments.  These are important practice examinations as they will provide valuable information for our teachers so they can best prepare our students for their external examinations in November.  The expectation is that all students attend these examinations.

At this time it is also important to remind all of our senior students, and you as parents, that if you have any concerns or questions regarding your daughter’s progress, or how to support her, to please reach out to her teachers or dean.  We are all very aware of the expectations and demands many of our young women put on themselves and these expectations often require support to allow for balance, particularly as so many students are involved in sport, music and cultural activities, along with other commitments such as part time work.

Over the last week the Senior Leadership Team have been meeting with the 2025 Year 7 students and their families who will be joining our Carmel community next year.  During these meetings there is an opportunity to discuss why parents have chosen Carmel as their daughter’s future school.  Time and time again it is clear that a Catholic education in a Mercy tradition where our Mercy values are at the centre of what we do and who we hope our young women will become, play a key role in why families are entrusting their daughters’ education to us at Carmel.

New families to our community have a desire for their daughter to become a part of who we are, and what we represent.  Parents want their daughters to achieve inside and outside the classroom, and importantly, want their daughters to develop their own identity and sense of self, whilst living and acting with our Mercy values in their heart.

It is a privilege to have been involved in these meetings, and to hear how highly our school is regarded.  There is an air of nervous excitement from the young girls, and equally from new parents, but a confidence and faith that recognises how strong our community is.  It is acknowledged that we are all working in partnership to ensure that our young women are empowered to challenge and shape their future whilst being women who live by our Mercy values; being compassionate and respectful, seeking justice for others and themselves, and having the courage to pursue their ambitions.

The College is a place of learning and teaching, however like the last two weeks outside of the classroom, the students are involved in many activities and opportunities.  As our final weeks of Term 3 quickly approach we are looking forward to the activities and events planned with Year 13 Retreat next week, followed by events student leaders have planned for Mental Health Awareness week, the Year 8 Eco Fashion and NCEA Music performances.