Camp was Amazing
Camp was an amazing time for everyone and we learned so much. It was an eye-opening experience to be sharing a room with up to nine other people. There were some bumps along the way, but at the end we all had something to take away from camp. We learned things about each other and met lots of new people. We tried out so many different skills and activities, ranging from bush cooking to axe throwing. Not only did we learn survival skills, but we also learned to give things a go and developed teamwork skills. During camp, we learned skills that will be useful in the future and could not be learned in the classroom.
Activities and Highlights
We had a whole lot of activities during this amazing camp, such as Magic Carpet, bush cooking, climbing, paddleboarding, animal survival, and of course, the night activities. All of these activities were fun but the overall favourite was the Magic Carpet. The night activities were also enjoyable. On the first night we had a game night; on the second, we had a newspaper fashion show, which was a roaring success; and on the last night, we had a quiz night which was a real challenge. On Wednesday and Thursday, we had free choice during the hours of 3.00-5.00pm where we could try a range of activities, including the hydroslide, the blob and slide, the confidence course and the flying fox. Overall, I think almost everyone enjoyed the activities throughout camp and I hope the next year group will love them just as much.
Advice for next year’s Year 8 students
“What would we tell next year’s Year 8s?”
“I think that camp is one of the most fun experiences I have ever had. I would tell next year’s Year 8s that they should give everything a go because if you don’t, you will miss out. There are a couple of things I didn’t try because I was too scared, and now I wish I did. Camp is really fun and pretty short, so don’t waste that little time being scared.” – Sophia
“I would tell the next year group that this is such a fun camp, and I also think that it was one of the best experiences of my life. Also, just have fun! Yes, you may get dirty and muddy, but that is part of life! – Carys
“I would like to tell the 2026 Year 8s to try everything, don’t sit out—you will probably regret it later. Camp is great, so enjoy it. You will learn so much as well like teamwork, leadership, and courage, etc. So enjoy the moment, participate, help out, work, and work together.” – Honey
Acknowledgements and Thanks
We would like to thank all the parents, teachers, and instructors at camp. Let’s not forget the Year 8 students of Carmel who participated in ALL the activities.
We thank the parents because they were amazing and stayed up late into the night waiting for us to go to sleep and for giving a week to help out.
We also thank the teachers for giving up their time, sleep and quiet. We appreciate them being there to help and support us.
And last but not least, we thank the instructors for being there and helping us through the activities that we would not usually get the chance to do. They did an amazing job.
Carys Angove, Honey Howard-Hemopo and Sophia Jenkins, Year 8