Carmel Day Mercy Awards 2024

At our Carmel Day Mass each year, we take the opportunity to acknowledge members of the Carmel community who have contributed to building on the tradition of our lived Core Mercy values that are based on Gospel teachings.  The award winners this year are as follows:

(from left to right – Ginny Peek, Lois Bruce, Natalie Linstrom with Principal, Sarah Kemble)

Community Award – Natalie Linstrom

Natalie’s contributions to Carmel College over the past nine years have been nothing short of exceptional, showcasing her unwavering dedication and commitment to the school community.  Since 2015 when her daughter, Katie, began at the college, Natalie has volunteered her time and expertise to coach and manage over 15 different sports teams demonstrating her versatility and passion for supporting students in their athletic endeavours.  For the past four years, Natalie has served as the Saturday netball coordinator, dedicating her weekends to ensuring the smooth operation of netball activities.  Starting early at 8.00am each weekend, she handles any challenges or issues that arise quickly with a proactive and positive approach.  Natalie’s impact extends to our younger netball players as she actively participates in pre-season sessions during Term 1, providing invaluable support and guidance. 

Carmel College is immensely fortunate to have someone like Natalie, whose tireless efforts and genuine passion enrich the lives of students.  We extend our heartfelt thanks to Natalie for her selfless dedication and the invaluable impact she has made over the years which we know will leave a lasting positive impact.

Staff Award – Ginny Peek

Since joining Carmel, Ginny has taken a proactive approach to addressing needs within our community.  Ginny’s innovative spirit is evident in her contributions to the community garden with her ideas not only being creative but also practical, aiming to benefit and enrich the lives of those around her.  She is heavily involved in netball, from umpiring high-level games to managing a school team.  Ginny is a staunch advocate for staff inclusivity and wellbeing.  She actively develops new initiatives to foster a supportive and inclusive environment, ensuring that opportunities are provided to allow everyone to feel valued and engaged within the Carmel community.  Ginny exemplifies the Mercy values through her daily actions.  She generously gives her time and energy to support others, demonstrating compassion, respect, and integrity in all her interactions.  We are grateful for her ongoing commitment to enhancing our community,  embodying the spirit of service and empowering those around her.

Staff Award – Lois Bruce

Lois is a cornerstone of our staff at Carmel, bringing a wealth of experience and dedication to her various roles within our community.  As career advisor she provides invaluable guidance to students, helping them navigate the complexities of university course planning to career planning and development.  She writes testimonials for students that highlight their achievements and strengths, showcasing their potential to prospective institutions and employers.  Within this, Lois also plays a pivotal role in assisting students with securing scholarships.  Her efforts ensure that financial barriers do not hinder our students’ access to higher education, opening doors to opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach.

Lois serves, as she has for many years, as a netball coach, fostering teamwork, discipline and sportsmanship among our students.  Beyond the classroom and netball courts her participation and contribution to multiple camps and retreats is where we see her work in developing and enhancing resilience in our students, fostering a well-rounded development beyond academics.

Everything that Lois has, and continues to do, in our community for our students demonstrates her unwavering commitment to supporting and promoting the holistic development and success of our students at Carmel.  We are so grateful for everything Lois does, a true role model of Mercy for us all here at Carmel.