Coin Trail 2024

Last Friday, 15 March, we held our annual Coin Trail fundraiser for Caritas New Zealand.  Our focus this year is on women’s educational opportunities in…
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Year 12 Camp

We started our week at the National Park with torrential rain, sub-ten degree temperature, and cloudy skies.  Luckily, our accommodation at both Pipers and Manaowhenua…
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Sports News

Upcoming Events  Monday 25 March – Senior/U17 Basketball Trials; Year 7 Netball Trials; 1st, 2nd and Junior Football Trials; Year 9 Netball Trials Tuesday 26…
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Empowering Your Youth

Join us at Carmel College’s theatre for an empowering workshop hosted by Good Sports, aimed at sports parents and students. Discover how to nurture our…
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