Catholic Character News

A new consultation document prepared by the bishops as part of the Holy Father’s Synod 2021-24 process has been sent to Rome. This document, titled…
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From Year 10 Chinese

Year 10 students, Julia Segismar, Emma Chen and Aimee Kim participated in the 17th Chinese Bridge – Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students…
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MUNA 2024

Model United Nations is an educational simulation that allows students the opportunity to role-play as delegates to the United Nations.  On 24&25 May, Helena Lee,…
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From the Caritas Committee

On 14 June, we are hosting our annual Caritas Challenge open to all Carmel College students.  This eye-opening experience is dedicated to raising awareness for…
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Sports News

Upcoming Events  Thursday 6 June – Year 7 Football Auckland Championships Sunday 9 June – Equestrian Show Hunter Championship Wednesday 12 June – Year 7/8…
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