Dear Supporter
These have been challenging times for all New Zealanders and we hope you and your family are safe and well.
COVID 19 Impact and Call for Help
De Paul House is full, with 89 children and 44 adults resident during the lockdown. We have supplied and will continue to supply all families with food from our foodbank to assist them. As the food bank is now empty, we are buying food, as our usual local donations through our church community and schools have stopped. This is an unexpected and unbudgeted expense.
During Level 4 we have had most staff work from home. The tenancy team have done a fantastic job providing practical assistance where needed with food, blankets and heaters. The social workers have started back in level 3.
We are anticipating a significant rise in demand for our support services and accommodation, as the economic fallout of Covid19 begins to hit home. Our social work team will be calling all past residents in the community to check on their situation and offer support.
More than ever we are needing the donations of caring supporters like yourself, as we have had to cancel proposed fundraising events. Please consider making a regular monthly donation. This is so helpful in future planning and management.
Our account for online payments is BNZ 02-0278-0059429-02. Or arrange a credit card payment by calling 09 480 5959.
We would greatly appreciate any help you can extend to ensure De Paul House can continue to be a strong support to homeless and vulnerable families, especially in these challenging times.
Together we are better.
Kind regards
Jan Rutledge, General Manager, De Paul House