From The Art Department

Diane Miller, Head of Art, has artwork in the High School Teachers: Art, Design and Technology exhibition at Unitec’s new gallery space, Toi o Wairaka.

Video of opening

The show brings together diverse examples from the art and design practices of 30 secondary school teachers who represent 17 schools from the Auckland and Northland areas.

The curatorial concept behind the exhibition was to bring together a community of teachers who continue to practice what they teach, enabling them to remain current and driven.  Dr Bobby Hung PhD, MEd Academic Programme Manager and Senior Lecturer, Creative Industries, Unitec explains “… in turn it is the practice that underpins the teaching.  Reciprocity exists.  Teachers are never just teachers and artists are never just artists.  We assume multiple identities of artist, researcher, and teacher.”

The exhibition is open to the public until 6 November.