From The Principal

As we quickly head towards the middle of Term 3, Option Choices for 2024 are being presented to students, whilst senior students are balancing completing their Internal assessments and preparing for assessment week. On top of this, the winter sports season is heading towards its conclusion with semi finals being played across many codes and, hopefully some finals to come, closely followed by Winter Tournament week and AIMS for students in Year 7 & 8.

The education sector is in the media almost daily for a number of reasons. It is pleasing that the arbitration process has led to a resolved outcome for both the PPTA and the government, and there will be no further disruption from industrial action for students and staff.  At the same time, the work involved in implementing changes to NCEA and preparing to implement a New Zealand Curriculum refresh is ongoing and proving a challenging space to navigate at this time. 

For parents, caregivers and students who are new to NCEA we appreciate that understanding how NCEA ‘works’ can be a challenge.  Understanding how credits are gained, what the difference is between an Internal and External Achievement Standard, how standards are marked with either Excellence, Merit, Achieved or Not Achieved, and how important matters like authenticity are determined, may be some of the questions you have. 

Before the end of the year, we will host an NCEA information evening to answer any questions you may have about NCEA and the changes to the qualification in 2024.

NCEA is our National Certificate of Educational Achievement.  While there are many changes being implemented to NCEA, I want to make it clear that we are in the process of preparing for the implementation of the new NCEA Level 1 in 2024.  At this point the revised Level 1 Achievement Standards remain in draft, but it is expected that these will be registered in Term 4 and learning areas will then finalise their courses. 

The implementation of the revised NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards is planned to occur in 2026, and NCEA Level 3 in 2027. 

For students who are working towards NCEA in 2024, below is a diagram that illustrates what is required to be awarded each level of NCEA.

To gain NCEA Level 1 in 2024:

  • Students will be required to gain 60 credits across their 7 subjects.
    • Religious Education, English, Mathematics and Science are compulsory.
    • Students choose 3 optional subjects.
  • Students need to achieve the literacy and numeracy co-requisite. 
    • This is a new requirement to be awarded with NCEA from 2024.
    • We have been ‘piloting’ the literacy and numeracy standards with students in Year 11 during 2022 and 2023. 
    • More information will be communicated to Year 10 students, parents and caregivers shortly, as students in Year 10 this year will have the opportunity to sit these assessments during Week 4 of Term 4.

To gain NCEA Level 2 and 3 in 2024:

  • Students will be required to gain 60 credits at the respective NCEA Level they are working on.
  • Students are required to have achieved the literacy and numeracy co-requisite. 

Further information can be found at:

I want to assure all of our students, parents and caregivers that as we prepare for the coming changes to NCEA our priority and focus remains on ensuring our young women have the opportunity to gain their highest level of academic achievement.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who took the time to complete the recent strategic planning survey.  Over the coming weeks the findings will be analysed and we will be seeking some further feedback through focus groups.  If you would like to be part of a focus group, please email me (