From The Principal

As Week 9 of Term 3 draws to a close, this week our junior sportswomen returned to school after competing at AIMS last week; our senior students completed their practice examinations; Level 1 PE students have now travelled to Rotorua for camp; and our Year 13 students leave today to attend their final school Retreat at the Marsden Bay Christian camp.  Also being recognised and celebrated around the college is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week.

AIMs last week had the biggest group of sportswomen attending from Carmel since 2014, with 5 teams and 18 individual competitors participating.  The team sports included hockey, basketball, netball, football and waterpolo, whilst individuals competed and represented the college in squash, yachting, rock climbing, canoe sport, swimming, cross country, gymnastics, tennis and mountain biking.

We congratulate all our young women who took to the sports courts, fields and turfs.  There were some outstanding performances over the two weeks.  However beyond the results, we know that the memories and enjoyment experienced is something that our young women will carry with them for years to come.  On this note I would like to thank all the coaches, managers, van drivers, sideline supporters, meal/baking makers, laundry doers, match timers and scorers who made this experience possible.  Thank you.

And to our Sports department – Annie Sadlier, Sports Director, and Claire Magness, Sports Coordinator, I wish to acknowledge and thank you both.  Over the past two weeks Annie and Claire have travelled away to support, manage and assist our students at Winter Tournament and AIMs.  But before being away with the teams the ‘behind the scenes work’ that these two undertake to ensure our young women have the opportunity to participate in these sporting events, is huge.  There really is no other way to describe it.  To Annie and Claire, thank you for your dedication and commitment to sport at Carmel and for being there to support, rally along and celebrate our young women in their sporting endeavours.

Carmel College is a place of learning and teaching, however, outside the classroom the students are involved in many activities and opportunities.  As our final week of Term 3 quickly approaches we are looking forward to the activities and events planned by student leaders for Mental Health Awareness Week, the Year 8 Eco Fashion Show and the NCEA Music Solo performance show.

It is wonderful to see, through participation and success in extracurricular activities, our young women are developing the skills and attributes to be equipped and empowered to pursue their own personal excellence and preparing to challenge and shape their futures, whilst being young women of Mercy who act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.