From The Principal

Tomorrow is a big day at Carmel as the second Christmas market takes place.  This event is a fantastic opportunity for our community.  Our PTFA have spent months planning and preparing for this.  Not only is the market a fundraising opportunity whereby, proceeds raised will go back into our school to benefit our students but, it also brings our community together.

Last year over 2500 people attended throughout the day, and we expect tomorrow we will see the same amount of people.  Today being a Teacher Only Day has meant that a last push to bring in baking, joy jars and other donations may be challenging, but thank you to all of those who have donated and contributed, and remember it is not too late to bring in some fresh baking for the bake stall which last year was a massive success.  Today could be the perfect opportunity to do some baking.

In the final coming weeks for 2023 there is still a lot happening around the school, with activity week and Year 10 camp now only two weeks away.  These opportunities to see our young women experience new things and to learn outside of the classroom are so valuable.  A lot of time has gone into planning and preparing the activity week which we know all will enjoy.  I wish to also remind you all, that if your family is experiencing financial hardship that may impact your daughter participating in activities and events, please do not hesitate to contact the college.

We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow at the market to enjoy the sun, food, gifts and products available in the numerous stalls and to enjoy the atmosphere that this wonderful PTFA lead event brings to our community.