From The Principal

And just like that, week 4 of Term 2 draws to a close.  Over the past week there have been many things happening in and around the college, with last Friday seeing the conclusion of Māia|Courage week with a Pink Shirt day.

Whilst the naming of this week was changed by our student leaders so that the focus is not to be on the negatives of bullying, instead on how we must have the courage to be an upstander rather than a bystander, conversations and education around bullying are important and align with our Mercy values of Respect and Courage.  Respect for human dignity, and in this instance, helping students to learn to act in a way that ensures others do not feel bullied.  We hope through the activities and messaging that all of our students gained the Courage to stand up and do the right thing, be an upstander, and tell a trusted adult if they are or see someone being bullied.

This week it has been fantastic to see our Year 10 & 11 students involved in retreats and wellbeing days.  The wellbeing days have included workshops around strength and connections, empowerment and trust, and wellbeing through movement.  I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff involved for providing and supporting these days as they continue to build on supporting and empowering our young women to develop their faith, along with skills to aid and assist them in navigating the demanding and challenging growth journey they encounter throughout their secondary and teenage years.

As some may have seen via the school’s social media pages, on Tuesday afternoon Year 13 Carmel and Rosmini students took to the netball court.  It was an intense game supported and enjoyed by a loud and vibrant crowd under the top court canopy.  In the end, our Carmel girls took out the win, 19-27, reclaiming the title we last had in 2020.

In the coming weeks please do take note of the ‘Upcoming dates for your diary’ as there is a  staff only day next Friday 31 May with Monday 3 June being a public holiday for King’s birthday. Parent teacher interviews will be on Thursday 13 June from 1.30pm-8pm (more information will follow about booking of interviews); Carmel day is Thursday 27 June with Matariki, a public holiday, falling on Friday 28 June.

I would like to wish all of our Year 13 drama students all the very best for their production that begins on Saturday evening.  We encourage all to take the opportunity to come along to support the students who are performing their show, “The Game’s Afoot”, a comedy-thriller murder mystery.  This weekend’s shows, Saturday 25 May and Sunday 26 May, begin at 5.00pm in the school theatre, with two further shows on Tuesday 28 May and Wednesday 29 May at 6.30 pm.  Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online through the Carmel shop or at the door.  The Faith Cafe will also be open before the show and during intermission for hot drinks and brownies to purchase.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the BOT Excellence Award that was introduced in 2022.  This award was introduced with the idea that the recipients will have brought honour to themselves and also to Carmel College through their achievements as, when young women attend Carmel College, our vision is that she will receive an education with opportunities that will see her empowered to challenge and shape the future.  Our hope is that she will live by our Mercy values whereby she is compassionate and respectful, where she will seek justice for others and herself, and where she will have the courage to pursue her ambitions.  This award therefore recognises and acknowledges our young women who have embraced and live by our Mercy values.

In 2022 the award was presented to past student, Grace Stratton, in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the area of disability advocacy in business, with the 2023 award being presented to Barbara Edmonds (nee Poe).  Since leaving Carmel, where she was Head Girl in 1998, Barbara graduated as a lawyer from the University of Auckland, joined parliament in 2016 and in 2020 she was elected as the MP for Mana of which she remains today, and currently is the Minister for Economic Development and Pacific Peoples, Minister of Internal Affairs and holds associate roles in Health, Housing and Cyclone Recovery.

The Board is calling for nominations for the 2024 BOT Excellence Award and, therefore, invites any member of our community to nominate a past student or staff (current or past) member who they believe is deserving of this prestigious award.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Attendance at Carmel College for at least one full academic year.
  • The nominee must have attained a notable degree of prominence through professional endeavour, research, volunteerism, and involvement within the local or global community.
  • Special consideration will be given to those who demonstrate significant initiative by starting innovative service projects, research, businesses or other original enterprises.
  • Received recognition by professional organisations for significant professional contributions, discoveries, or creative work through honours, awards, and/or media attention.
  • Serves as an outstanding role model for alumni, current and future Carmel College students.
  • Excluded from consideration: prior recipients, current trustees, or current selection committee members.

Nominations close on Friday 5 July 2024.

If you would like to nominate someone please fill in the nomination form HERE.