From The Principal

This week has been Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, with the theme ‘Ake ake ake – A forever language’.  By highlighting, acknowledging and celebrating te reo Māori we honour the past and contribute to the language’s preservation, one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s cultural treasures.

The theme captures the adaptability and resilience of te reo Māori, highlighting its enduring importance.  It aims to inspire New Zealanders to speak the Māori language proudly, linking to a larger effort to revitalise the Māori language. 

With assessment week coinciding with Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, our students in Years 7-10 were challenged to learn 100 Māori words and to take part in a challenge during atawhai time.  Whilst the prizes may have motivated some to take part, a phenomenal 422 students engaged in the challenge.  We look forward to hearing the results and hearing more te reo around the school.

With senior exams coming to an end, teachers are marking and providing feedback to assist our students in reflecting on areas that may require refining before final exams in November.  At this time, when results come in, there can be a realisation that there is further work to do.  As parents, one way we can support our young women is by encouraging them to reflect on what has worked well and what hasn’t, as there are further opportunities to learn and develop strategies which can then be put into practice as our students prepare for Term 4.

A ‘lesson’ from Catherine McAuley to also reflect on is that; “The simplest and most practical lesson I know.., is to resolve to be good today but better tomorrow.  Let us take one day in hand at a time, merely making a resolve for tomorrow.  Thus, may we hope to get on, taking short, careful steps, not great strides.”