MoE’s free home internet programme for primary & secondary students

Kia ora,

The Ministry of Education has an initiative to arrange free home internet for any household with a school-age child and no current home internet connection.  The Ministry will pay for installation and monthly costs through to 30 June 2024, and we’re working on the solution for beyond (with no obligation on families).

This is a really significant opportunity to help all our learners have access to the internet from home, to continue their learning when they’re not at school, and to ensure their whānau is connected to digital life.

We (Manaiakalani Education Trust) are working with the Ministry to get the information out to schools, educators, housing providers and social agencies to ensure that any household who is eligible can benefit from this.  To be eligible, they need to have a school-age child living there at least part of the time (primary, intermediate or secondary), and no current home internet connection.  Together with the Ministry, we have written to over 1000 schools with information about the initiative, and schools are able to refer households in to get connected.

We are now giving whānau the option to contact us directly to get connected, as we want to make sure that any household who needs it can take up this opportunity.  We’ve made it straightforward for whānau to get connected by setting up a team called EDOS that talks to them, arranges installation by the internet service provider and arranges for the Ministry to pay the provider directly.  EDOS also runs a support helpdesk for any questions that the whānau may have.

The teachers in your association may know of whānau in their school communities who don’t have home internet.  Could we please ask you to share this initiative with your members, by sending them the attached Student Flyer (see link below) and asking them to share with their school communities?   There is also more information for households in the brochure (MoE Free Internet Programme 2023) here: EDOS – Home

We’re conscious that we’re coming towards the end of the school year and we want to help students continue to learn anytime, from home.

Thank you very much, your support is much appreciated.

Ngā mihi nui,

Manaiakalani Education Trust, Ministry of Education and EDOS