MUNA 2024

Model United Nations is an educational simulation that allows students the opportunity to role-play as delegates to the United Nations.  On 24&25 May, Helena Lee, Jiwon Lee and Kriya D’Sa were given the opportunity to attend the (MUNA 2024) Model United Nations Assembly held at Rosmini College.  Carmel College represented the delegates of Brazil and presented speeches on the following topics:

  1. The United Nations calls upon member nations to respect the territorial sovereignty of all members.
  2. The United Nations calls upon the members of the G20 to help address growing climate inequities.

This was an incredible experience, allowing us to interact with so many students from across the North Island.  It also enabled us to learn about international relations, enhance our public speaking skills and think critically.  Overall it was an amazing day and definitely recommend students getting involved in these opportunities in the future.

Kriya D’Sa, Year 12 (on behalf of team Brazil)