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From The Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi atawhai nui. What is this thing called resilience? “It’s your ability to withstand adversity and bounce back and grow despite

Join Pope Francis in Prayer for Ukraine – 25 March
Click HERE for the consecration of Ukraine and Russia by Pope Francis.

Coin Trail 2022
Last Thursday, we held our annual school Coin Trail event. Each year Coin Trail falls on St Patrick’s day. After weeks of fundraising, the students

Students Learn to Fly a Drone
In Digital Technologies, students learn how to fly a drone and use the photos in their digital outcomes. These photos were taken during Coin Trail

Term 1 Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews
On Monday, 28 March the interim school reports will be released. These are intended to give an indication of how your daughter has settled into

Tuakana Activities
Last week, our Atawhai time activities centred around unpacking Carmel’s core Mercy value for 2022, Tika – Justice. Our Tuakana leaders organised a fun tuakana-teina

Maori & Pasifika Sport Afternoon (MAPS)
On Wednesday, 16 March we had our first Maori and Pasifika Sport afternoon. During the afternoon Matua taught the girls a Maori game and they also

Sports News & Upcoming Trials
Please note: Trial dates may change due to personnel availability etc. Registrations HERE Carmel Sports Uniform With winter sports coming up soon, just a reminder that

Return of Sport Uniform
With winter sport approaching, we need anyone who borrowed sport uniform last year to please return it to the Sports Department ASAP. Sports Hoodies with

Click Happy Scholarships
Students from Carmel College recently gained four scholarships. Chelsea Brown, Kriya D’Sa, Amber Lee and Gabbie Warner (Year 10) participated in the Click Happy Summer

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in