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From The Principal
Last week at Assembly and in the newsletter, I referred to our school vision whereby we want education to provide opportunities and pathways for our

2022 Carmel College School Board Elections
Accepting of Parent nominations has now closed. As there are more nominations than vacancies, all eligible parents and caregivers will receive an invitation to vote

Teacher Only Day
Teacher Only Day – Monday, 22 August On Monday, 22 August the school will be closed for a teacher only day. Students will not attend

Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent teacher interviews were cancelled in Term 2 due to increased levels of staff illness. These will not be offered in Term 3. If you

Course and NCEA Information Evening for Parents and Students
Course Information – Wednesday, 17 August – 4.00pm to 6.00pm in the Hall Subject teachers will be available to answer any questions regarding course choices

Course Choice Selection for Years 9-13 in 2023
All information regarding course choices for 2023 is now available on the Carmel College Course Selection Website . This information can also be found at

Mercy Leaders Conference
This first week of the July holidays saw a group of students from Mercy Colleges gather for a 2-day programme to explore Mercy leadership. Sr

Catholic Caring Mass
Last Wednesday, six of our students attended the Catholic Caring Foundation Mass which is held every year and honours the contribution that individuals and organisations make

Pink Day 2022 and the Uplift Project
On Friday, 19 August we are celebrating Pink Day. Pink Day is about raising awareness for breast cancer in New Zealand. We do this by

Sports News
Congratulations to Aimee McGivern – Swimming Secondary Schools Nationals – Bronze Medal Upcoming Events Friday 5 August to Sunday 7 August – Year 7/8 Waterpolo

New Zealand Physics and Mathematics Championships
Through the Passionate Enhanced Learning programme at Carmel, I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in the NZPMC (New Zealand Physics and Mathematics Competition) during

Year 10 Visit YTech
Last Monday, 49 Year 10 digital students travelled to the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau to experience YTech, a day run by students for school

Year 12 Work Experience
For the school’s 2-day Work Experience programme, I completed my work experience at Vvid Studio, where they 3D visualise different products and scenes such as

AFL Visit Carmel
During PE, coaches from the AFL visited Carmel to teach skills to the students at different levels on how to play Australian football. We learnt

Dance Competition Success
Congratulations to Roseline Son, Year 11, who won 1st place in the Varsity Solo and Varsity Crew at the World Supremacy Battlegrounds of New Zealand

Graphical Calculators Wanted
If any families have a graphical calculator at home, that is no longer being used, we would really appreciate if it could be donated to

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in

Safe on Social
The 5 risks you need to be aware of when your child starts using social media