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From The Principal
Every term in a school year is busy, but during Term 4 the school environment is abuzz. Students have chosen options for the following year

Christmas Market – Champagne & Oyster Terrace Tickets On Sale Now
Indulge in the ultimate foodie experience while at the Carmel College Christmas Market on Saturday 19 November, with entry to our Champagne & Oyster Terrace situated

Year 9 to 13 Sports Awards Evening
This week we celebrated our students and community at the Carmel College Sports Awards. Please join us in congratulating our recipients. This has been one

Carmel’s Art Exhibition
On 20 October, Carmel held an art exhibition showcasing senior painting and design boards. The seniors have been working on these boards since the beginning

Year 8 Study Planet Earth
8LVP have been looking at the Planet Earth topic recently and yesterday focused on earthquakes. To demonstrate the effects of the shaking they constructed a

Success at the Chinese Speech Competition
Our students from Year 10, 11 and 12 Chinese classes have joined the 2022 Chinese Bridge Speech Competition and won Merit in the Secondary School

Carmel Students to Attend Science Hands-On Programmes
Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who will be attending exciting Science hands-on programmes in January. Shana Singh-Anderson and Lia Cho who both received

Sports News
Upcoming Events Monday 31 October – Junior NH Tennis season starts Tuesday 1 November – Year 7/8 NH Touch Zone Day Tuesday 8 November –

Locker Information
End of year 2022 STUDENT LOCKERS – YEARS 7&8 Current Year 7&8 students will need to clear their locker by Monday 5 December and hand

Homestays Wanted
Next year we will be welcoming a number of International students back to Carmel College – both short and long term – and we are

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in