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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. Thank you, thank you, thank you. To the dedicated group of parents, whanau and those who have been

Mercy Week 2019
This week Carmel has taken part in Mercy Week where we have reflected on Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy. The girls have taken

Service Experience
For my service hours this year, I helped coach my younger sister’s Year 3 & 4 netball team. She plays for Stella Maris Primary School

CREST Challenge – Food Technology
On Monday 23 September, three groups of Year 12 students went to Massey University to represent Carmel College at the 2019 NZIFST/CREST competition. This competition

Sustainability Market
One of the SAVE group’s initiatives this year has been to introduce recycling bins at school to help better manage Carmel College’s waste. In order

Year 7 Students Study Sustainability
What is sustainability? This is exactly what Year 7 classes have been studying for the term, along with how to make a sustainable lunch. To

Students Succeed
North Harbour Science Fair Congratulations to Hannah MacDonald and Chelsea Gardner, Year 8, pictured here, who won Silver medals at the recent North Harbour Science

2019 Yearbook Payment Due
Optional payment of $30 is now due for the 2019 Carmel Yearbook. This can be paid to your daughter’s student account. Please reference that the

Farewell From the Foodtogether Team
Farewell from the Foodtogether Team Carmel and the Foodtogether team hope you have enjoyed being a part of this service in Terms 2 and 3. It has been

ArtFusions Peg Doll Competition
The Peg Doll Competition was very popular at ArtFusions with over 300 people voting to select a fan favourite. After much discussion and passionate debate,

Sports News
Football Success Six Carmel students were in the U17s Girls Division Football team for Glenfield Rovers this year. They won their division – scored 103

Girl Up Leadership Summit
The Auckland Leadership Summit is a jam-packed day of leadership training, skills-based workshops and community-building to empower, educate, and embolden the potential of every youth

Year 8 School Based Immunisation Programme
The School Based Immunisation Programme will be offering the second dose of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to Year 8 students in Term 4 week 1, on