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From The Principal
Yesterday marked International Women’s Day (8 March) which is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also

Possible Strike Action Notice
The Secondary Teachers’ Union, the PPTA , is planning strike action on Thursday, 16 March. Should this strike go ahead, the college will be closed

Parent Daughter Breakfast
It’s hard not to be inspired by Karin – she’s survived Breast Cancer twice, co-founded Paddle for Hope, she is a Resilience and Growth Navigator

Carmel College Opening Hours
The Carmel College office is open for students and parents from 8.00am-4.00pm. All of our Gates are closed between 3.00-3.30pm so that students can exit

Calling Construction and Trade Community Contacts
Over the next couple of years, CCAL and the BOT have approved and will finance, a number of small capital work projects to improve the

Our 2022 Top Scholars Assembly
We held our Scholars Assembly on Wednesday, 1 March to acknowledge and celebrate students’ 2022 NCEA academic successes in NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3,

Club Sign-Up Day
On Monday 27 February, we had our annual Club Sign-Up Day. From theatre sports and photography club to book club and human rights, there were

Maori, Pasifika and International Students’ Shared Lunch
Our role as representatives is to empower girls to embrace their culture, and to create an environment where this is encouraged. Last week, we held

Coin Trail 2023 Draws Near
Carmel College’s annual Coin Trail will be held on Friday, 17 March. Leading up to the day the school will be accepting donations for Caritas

Sports News
Congratulations to our four swimmers who attended the North Harbour Year 9-13 Zone Day last week Senior 100m Freestyle relay Lily-Anne Humphreys – Int 50m

Do You Want to Learn an Instrument?
We have spaces available in our Itinerant music programme for the following instruments: Oboe, Flute, Trombone, Trumpet Please email the HOD Music, Glen Child, for

Monitor Online and My Monitor
Carmel College have paired up with Monitor to bring an ease of use for the following: Printing and printing funds Paying Kamar and sport invoices

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid impacts, the cost of living and unexpected weather

Invitation to Pou Tautoko Rangatahi – Youth Advisory Forum
Rangatahi Youth Forum is being held on 25 March, featuring trained professionals speaking about Mental Health, and Vaping/Alcohol/Drugs. The day will involve lectures and then