
From the Principal

Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. On the last day of Term 2, our wonderful library team, so ably led by Chris Taylor, put

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Music News

Rosmini Day The Carmel and Rosmini Rock Band, RXC, performed on Rosmini Day last Term. This was their second performance since they first performed at

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Wardrobe Clearout

Going through your wardrobe may be an ongoing job for you so please put aside any clothes that are good quality for the Vinnies Op

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Careers News

Virtual Open Day events this week: 1.  Massey University Virtual Open Days – Friday 30 July and Saturday 31 July.  Register at 2.  Otago

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Sports News

Upcoming events  Wednesday, 4 August – Auckland Netball Tournament Year 9/1, Year 10/1 and Senior 1 Friday 6 August to Sunday 8 August – Year

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