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From The Principal
As Week 3 draws to a close, we have again been disrupted by weather events and industrial action. If anyone in our community has been

Science Success
Congratulations to the following Year 11 students who have successfully made it into Round 2 of the Australian and NZ Brain Bee Competition. They have

God Save the King!
Carmel was well represented at a Coronation Celebration in Holy Trinity Cathedral – students, teachers, parents and chorister. Thanks to those who attended in service

King’s Coronation High Tea
Last Friday afternoon Carmel and Rosmini Colleges hosted a King’s Coronation High Tea which took place in our school hall. The event provided an opportunity

Pompallier Shield
Last week a group of 15 students travelled to Pompallier College in Whangarei to compete in the annual Pompallier Shield competition. There were 6 different

Senior Oratory
Jasmine Lealaogata (Year 12) presented her winning senior oratory ‘Climate Change’ at assembly this week (pictured above with Sarah Kemble, Principal and the Pompallier Shield

Year 12&13 Drama Production Coming Soon
The Year 12&13 Drama Production of And Then There Were None is only a week away! “And Then There Were None” is an Agatha Christie

Careers News
NZ College of Chiropractic; 6 Harrison Rd; Mt Wellington Open Day: Saturday 20 May 12.30pm-3.00pm Registration: Waikato University Open Days

Sports News
Upcoming Events Friday 12 May – Home Basketball game 7.30pm vs One Tree Hill Monday 15 May – Year 9 Netball Duty Night at Netball

Collect Yummy Apple Stickers
Last year, as part of a student’s school service project, the opportunity to trade in stickers collected from the Yummy fruit range for sports gear

Year 8 Carmel/Rosmini Social
Where: Carmel College school hall When: Friday 16 June, 7.00-9.00pm Cost: $15 per ticket Students will need their school ID on the night to get

Homestays Wanted
Next Term we will be welcoming International students to Carmel College and we are looking for warm and caring homestay families reasonably close to the

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid impacts, the cost of living and unexpected weather

Rotary Raffle Tickets – Buy Now
Carmel College has a limited number of tickets for sale for the Rotary Club of Albany’s raffle. First prize is an amazing spa pool from

Parenting Tweens & Teens through Stress & Anxiety
This course supports parents to manage the challenges that parenting young people aged 11-18 years can bring. Our facilitator will provide a welcoming space to

North Shore Dove Fellowship for Women
Dove Fellowship will meet on Wednesday, 17 May 7.30pm St. Thomas More Catholic Church hall, 336 Wairau Road, Glenfield We will reflect on the Encounter