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From The Principal
The Church feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel falls on 16 July, during the school holidays, so tomorrow we celebrate Carmel Day. This day

PUM – Wednesday 28 June
There is a PPTA Paid Union Meeting on Wednesday 28 June. Due to the large number of staff who are union members the school will

Upcoming Events for Your Diary
22 June to 11 August (approx) – Toilets closed for refurbishment outside the Hall 28 June – Paid Union Meeting. School closes at the end

Pepper & Me Fundraiser Supporting Carmel College 2023-24 World Challenge Team
Hello Carmel College Community We are the 2023-24 World Challengers and currently we are fundraising for the Carmel College World Challenge to Cambodia and Vietnam

Mountain Biking Mentor Service
Bellas on Mountain Bikes <> founder, Bernadette Mark, recently contacted us to share appreciation of great service from Elliott Hou in Year 8. “After completing

Miha (Mass) at the Catholic Chapel onsite at Hato Pētera College
On Saturday 10 June members from Carmel College and Rosmini College were invited to attend a Miha (Mass) at the Catholic Chapel onsite at Hato

Year 7&8 Mathex Competition
Sometimes, there can be so much more to maths than just solving complicated equations in your head, especially if you were at Mathex. Mathex took

Carmel Participates in Charity Debate
The Carmel Premier Advanced team consisting of Shana Singh-Anderson, Lia Cho and Layla James competed against Westlake Boys’ in the Rotary Charity Debate. Joined by

Spirit of Adventure 2023
Recently 10 girls from Carmel College had the opportunity of a lifetime to go on Spirt of Adventure. They departed from Auckland City and spent

Sports News
Upcoming Events Tuesday 27 June – Year 7/8 Practice Cross Country Event Thursday 29 June – Year 7/8 Official Carmel College Cross Country Wednesday 19

Carmel Student Features in KPA Battle Squad
Year 12 student, Roseline Son, features in new dance show KPA Battle Squad. Roseline has featured in a previous show made by Greenstone TV called

Take Part in the 2023 NZ Garden Bird Survey
All you need is one hour, on one day, from 24 June to 2 July 2023. Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research 2007–2023 are running in

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid impacts, the cost of living and unexpected weather

Celebrate Mass at St Thomas More
Bishop Giovanni D’Ercole, Bishop Emeritus of Ascoli Piceno, Italy and Fr Donal McIlraith SSC, Responsible for Marian Movement of Priests, OCEANIA will be visiting New