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The Feast of the Assumption
On Tuesday, 15 August staff and students gathered for a liturgy to commemorate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Feast

Sister Mary Justine Awards 2023
In recognition of our first Principal, applications are invited for the Sister Mary Justine Award. Further details are in the Year 13 Google Classroom. Please

Year 8 Retreat
Year 8 Retreat days were held during Week 3 of this Term. We paired up with another class and the day was filled with fun

Year 7 Students’ Success
Congratulations to Sophie Bell-Booth (7NSA) who has been accepted by ‘Toitoi’ to be an illustrator for their stories in the 33rd edition. This is a

Upcoming Events for Your Diary
21-25 August – Culture Week (Culture Day: 25 August) 25 August – Options for 2024 close at midday 30 August – Netsafe Parents Information Evening

Course Choice Selection for current Year 8-12 in 2024
All information regarding course choices for 2024 is now available on the Carmel College Course Selection Website . This information can also be found at where you

Carmel College Site Security Upgrade
On Tuesday 22 August, there will be some work undertaken to improve our school security. This involves the installation of a gate at the pedestrian

University of Otago Junior Mathematics Competition
The University of Otago has been running a Junior Mathematics Competition for many years across New Zealand. In 2023, 117 schools took part. 34 Carmel

Introducing a Carmel College School Haka
This week, students involved with Māori culture and language began to learn a haka which encompasses the school’s mana and Mercy values. The haka is

100 Māori Words Challenge
All Year 7-10 students are encouraged to take up the 100 word challenge starting this week. Simply log in to and sign in under

Carmel Football Success
Please join us in congratulating our Carmel history-creating 1st Xl Football team, winners of the Auckland Premier Div 2 League with a 3-1 win over

Sports News
Upcoming Events Friday 18 August – Auckland Div 2 Senior Basketball Semi-Final vs Manurewa 4.30pm at Trusts Stadium Saturday 19 August – North Harbour Netball

Geography Awareness Week
This week is Geography Awareness Week in New Zealand. Geography is not about colouring in. It is not about capital cities, longest rivers and highest mountains.

Work From Year 9 Art
The Year 9 Art classes have recently got their ceramics back from the kiln. Here are some examples of their fantastic work. The brief was

Art Trip to the Auckland City Art Gallery to see Light from the Tate
In June, Year 11 Art and Year 12 & 13 Painters visited ‘Light from the Tate’, an exhibition at the Auckland City Art Gallery Toi

Carmel College and Auckland Art Gallery
Last week was the Pat Hanley Awards evening at the Auckland City Art Gallery. Two students from participating High schools were nominated by their Art

North Shore Secondary Student Artrageous Art Exhibition
The Artrageous Art Exhibition of works from North Shore Secondary Schools Year 9 to 13 Mairangi Bay Art Gallery Opening Award Ceremony: Saturday 2 September

Netsafe Presentation for Parents – NOTE CHANGE OF DATE
Netsafe no longer has a presenter available on 29 August but we have been able to secure a presenter for the next evening, Wednesday 30

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid impacts, the cost of living and unexpected weather

North Shore Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women
REFRESHMENT DAY Saturday 26 August – 10am to 4pm St Thomas More Catholic Church, 336 Wairau Road, Glenfield Holy Mass at 9.15 am Speaker Bev McDonald,