
From the Principal

Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. ‘Generalise, don’t specialise: why focusing too narrowly is bad for us’ – this was the title of an

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Caritas Mass

On Saturday 24 August, a group of Carmel senior students – Carmel Belleza, Prishlisaa Lawerance, Elisabeth Lay, Gabrielle Lobo, Kelly Park, Janine Ramos and Kelsey

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This year, Carmel College entered 8 teams from Year 7-10 into the annual Mathex Competition held in Kohimarama. Mathex is a fun, interactive competition that

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Chess Competitions

Carmel College fielded teams in two Chess competitions recently. Two teams of Year 7/8 students took part in the North Shore Intermediate Competition and one

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Space School

Dear Parents, Carmel College students will have as many as five different careers and 17 different employers in their lives. Today’s top professions such as

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Service Experiences

Allanah Wills, Year 11 For the past two years, I’ve gone to Love Soup, an organisation that provides a free hot meal every Sunday evening.

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Sports News

Gymnastics Ava Fitzgerald and Sienna Sargent (pictured above) and Ruby Wilson (pictured at right) represented Carmel College at the NZ Secondary Schools Artistic Gymnastics last

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University Open Days

These are a great opportunity to meet with Academics, get degree information, see the facilities and get help with enrolment. AUT LIVE: Saturday 31 August

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Don’t forget to put your orders in for FoodTogether.  Service students are ready to pack your fruit and vegetables on a Thursday afternoon.  Funds raised this

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