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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. Haere mai, welcome to Carmel. This salutation greeted all the newly enrolled students and whanau as we held

Carmel and Rosmini Cook For Those In Need
On Thursday 24 October, the Carmel and Rosmini Young Vinnies leaders organised a cook up and made over 150 meals for Auckland City Mission to

Student Success
Carmel College entered four teams into the E Pro 8 competition held at Takapuna Intermediate School recently. E Pro 8 is a science and technology

Tuck Shop Hours
The Tuck Shop will not be open on 5 December (last day of term). During NCEA – (from Friday 8 November to Tuesday 3 December)

De Paul House Collection For Christmas Hampers – Supporting Families In Need
We have been approached by de Paul House to help with a collection for the families they support. As we come towards the season of

Student Lockers 2020
2020 STUDENT LOCKERS – YEAR 7, 8, 9 In 2020 Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be required to have a locker. Lockers will

Basketball – Breakers Academy
The NZ Breakers Basketball Academy – enrolments Term 1 Open to boys and girls Years 5-13, The New Zealand Breakers Basketball Academy is a series