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From the Associate Principal, Karen Mitchell
Each Monday morning the staff gather for our weekly staff meeting. Being a Catholic school, staff members take turns to start this and other meetings

Upcoming Events For Your Diary
7 May – Wellbeing and Belonging Survey 10 May – School Ball (Year 13 Study Day) 11 May – Miha Maori at Hato Petera 16 May –

Anzac Day Parade
On ANZAC day Carmel participated in the Takapuna Service to honour and remember all those who served and died in war. Many Carmel girls from

Vinnies Commissioning Mass
On Saturday, 20 April Tanna Van Rensburg, Kaylyn D’Costa, Georgia Thorpe, and Lily Dwyer were privileged to participate in the annual Young Vinnies commissioning mass

Year 12 Biology Visit to Arataki
At Year 12 camp at Tongariro National Park earlier this year, Level 2 Biology students spent a day in the ngahere/forest around Ōwhango. The focus

Our Garden is Flourishing
Te Māra Āwhina is a newly established service group that provides students with the opportunity to learn about sustainable gardening practices, while caring for their

Challenge Success Survey
On Tuesday 7 May students at Carmel College will participate in the Challenge Success-Stanford Survey of School Experiences. It is an approximately 30 minute, online

Logos Camp
In the school holidays, Alice Wild and I attended the Annual Logos Leadership Retreat – Salt & Light. Logos is a Marist Youth Development organisation

Sports News
Waterpolo New Zealand Secondary Schools Nationals 7th Place at the Waterpolo New Zealand Secondary Schools Nationals for 2024. We farewell 6 Wāhine Toa who have

Careers News
University of Auckland Info Evening (online) Tuesday 25 June from 6.00-9.00pm Register for this information session to find out about programmes, talk to current students

Year 8 Carmel/Rosmini Social
Where: Carmel College school Hall When: Friday 24 May, 6.30-8.30pm Cost: $15 per ticket By purchasing a ticket to the Carmel/Rosmini Year 8 Social on

Sports Photo Competition
With Winter sports games and trainings starting up we want your photos!! Send in your shots for the competition: Action photos Team photos Informal photos

Subject and Skills Workshop
Each week on Thursday from 3.30-4.30pm in the library, we will focus on different subjects with specialised student tutors assisting students with their current in-class

Tips and Tricks to Make Sport Fun
As Winter sports approaches, it’s really important that we remember that we are all in this together. Our student coaches are our backbone of winter sport as

Sports Seminar – The Teenage Brain and Parental Influence on the Sporting Teenager – Register Early
$10 per ticket Spaces are limited so registration is essential. Please register HERE

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure. Please be assured that we are here to support all

North Shore Dove Catholic Fellowship For Women
Invitation to all women to come and learn more about THE GIFT over two sessions at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 336 Wairau Road, Glenfield.