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From The Principal
Over the past two weeks there have been many events held that have recognised and celebrated many of our senior students who have now left

Congratulations to all our 2024 Senior Prize Winners
The following are the Special Awards, Top Scholar Awards and Tertiary Scholarship recipients recognised at Prizegiving this week. Special Awards Xin Ang Lau Dux of

Upcoming Events For Your Diary
Term 4 2024 Week 4A Tue 5 Nov NZQA exams begin Week 5B Fri 15 Nov Teacher Only Day Week 6A Mon 18 Nov-Sun 24

Year 12 World Religions Trip
Last Tuesday, our Year 12 students had an eye-opening experience as they visited some of Auckland’s religious communities. This trip, part of their World Religions

Tickets on Sale Now – Champagne Terrace Bar
Book a table with some friends for the Champagne Terrace Bar HERE.

Carmel’s Christmas Market By The Lake
The Carmel College PTFA is holding its major fundraiser – a Christmas Market on Saturday 23 November. You can help by: Helping us to advertise

Sports News
Upcoming Events Tuesday 5 November – Year 7/8 Athletics North Harbour Zone Day; Year 9/10 Beach Volleyball North Harbour Zone Day; Year 9/10 Ki O

Carmel Old Girl Completes the Oceans Seven
Congratulations to Caitlin O’Reilly (2021 Carmel Old Girl) on becoming the youngest swimmer to complete the Oceans Seven at the age of 20 years, 7

Can You Donate Carmel Uniform Items?
Are there any families who have Carmel uniform items (including PE tops and shorts) which they are able to donate for our short term International

Homestays Wanted
As we welcome International students to Carmel College, we are looking for warm and caring long term and short term host families reasonably close to

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure. Please be assured that we are here to support all