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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. A Joy Cowley poem, December, for the Christmas season. The machines shudder into silence The last sheep slide

Education Review Office (ERO) Report for Carmel College 2019
The purpose of ERO’s external evaluations is to give parents, whānau and the wider school community assurance about the quality of education children and young

End Of Year Reports
End of year reports will be available on the Portal from late afternoon on Thursday December 5. If you have lost or misplaced your log

Year 10 Camp
The sun shone brightly on Waiheke Island every day for the Year 10’s on camp last week. The students made the most of the amazing

Year 7 and 8 Christmas Market
During Term 4 Year 7/8 students learnt about Financial Literacy as part of their Social Studies programme. As part of the programme the students learnt

Year 8 Students Clean Up Park
Recently all of the Year 8s went to Sylvan Park, Lake Pupuke for a park clean up day. After listening to an encouraging talk from

Year 9 Softball Game Staff Versus Students
A Year 9 ‘tournament team’ were chosen by their peers from the Year 9 inter-class tournament a couple of weeks ago, with the promise to

Back To School 2020
School office will be open from Monday, 20 January 2020 Tuesday, 28 January – TERM 1 COMMENCES FOR ALL STUDENTS Start time Returning students New

Vacancy – Health Care Provider
Carmel College is seeking a Health Care Provider and Reprographics Assistant to join our learning community. 31.25 hours per week, term time only. As the primary

Year 12 2020 Camp Payment
Payment is due Friday 21 February $500.00 Instalments payments are invited over the next couple of months starting week of 8 December at $46.00 per

Sports News
Volleyball Best finish ever for our Junior A Volleyball finishing 6th at North Islands Secondary Schools Tournament. Congratulations to Zion Tibbots who was named in