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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. ‘Young people look to adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events such as COVID-19. Parents,

The following information will be regularly updated on a link on the college website HOMEPAGE Latest letter to parents from Carmel College Latest information from

Cancelled / Postponed Events
Due to COVID-19 the following events have been officially cancelled or postponed: Polyfest weekend of March 21/22 cancelled Parent/Daughter Breakfast, 25 March cancelled Parent Interview

Sports Cancellations and Postponements
Please see table below for cancellations by sport. All Term 1 Y7/8 North Harbour Zone Days are cancelled All Winter Season Sports Competitions are currently

Coin Trail 2020
This year’s Coin Trail was an amazing success. The chalk designs were beautiful, the class photos were awesome and the green mufti was vibrant. It

Fiafia Night
Carmel and Rosmini joined together again in 2020 to prepare a Samoan Stage performance for Polyfest. Unfortunately, the Polyfest Festival was cancelled due to Covid-19

Year 9 Retreat
This week all Year 9 students participated in their annual retreat. The theme for the retreat was ‘Made in the Image of God’. Girls had

Service in Action
Myself, Tatum Collins and Caitlin Collins, pictured above, completed our service on Sunday helping out at the Smale’s Farm Movie night. We helped the Hospice

Lenten Collection for de Paul House
It is time for our annual Lent collection to support de Paul House, our local charity who provide emergency housing. This year de Paul House

Year 7 Visit Mangere Mountain
We went to Mangere Mountain (Te Pano-o- Mataoho Maunga) last week. It was an amazing experience and we loved it! We learnt the different types

Sacramental Programme
The Sacramental Programme will begin in Term 2. If your daughter has not received one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation or

Sports News
Please note: All regular-season sport and trials will continue at this point in time unless notified of cancellations or postponements. Please click HERE for cancellations