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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. ‘What unusual and uncertain times we live in. How long will it be before things get back to

Student Leaders’ ANZAC DAY Activities
To commemorate our soldiers on ANZAC Day a scavenger hunt activity was available on the ‘Carmel Connected’ website. Five facts were hidden throughout the website

Lockdown Activities In The School Holidays
As the school holidays fell during the lockdown period, we decided that it would be a great idea to get Carmel girls involved and occupied

Student Success
Year 10 Science student Swetlana Khoo – Double success! Well done and congratulations to Swetlana on coming 2nd place in the Cross Curricular Byte Sized Challenge

Service With Child Cancer Foundation
Earlier this year, Caitlin Brady and Juliana Vos, pictured above, completed their service hours helping to raise funds for the Child Cancer Foundation at New

Service With Hospice
A few weeks ago Christabelle Watson, Emmy Aziz and Summar Hutchings, completed their service hours by helping out at the Hospice stall on the Smales

Get Ready For The Carmel In House Sports Competition
The Carmel in house sports competition is coming to our school very soon!! (Hopefully) As formal sports are unable to occur at this time we

Tips For Students To Help Them Study At Home
Tips for studying at home. Check out these useful tips to help you get the most out of studying at home. Click HERE

International Student Host Family Required
We are seeking a Korean family to become a host family when lockdown is over. If you are interested please email our International Student Services

Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic Navigate social distancing and school closures with quality media and at-home learning opportunities for your kids. Free resources