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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. ‘Time apart for Kiwi workers and bosses during lockdown has had some surprising benefits, according to a nationwide

Class of 2020 Say Thank You To Their Teachers
It’s International Teacher Appreciation Week this week, so we couldn’t think of a better time to thank our incredible teachers for all of the hard

Ngā mihi Maiōha – Farewell From Whaea Tina
Ngā mihi haumaru ki a tātou tauira, tātou whānau, tātou hāpori katoa He waka eke noa We are all in this together In these strange

Statement for Catholic School Families in Response to the Challenges Encountered by Covid-19
Kia ora koutou nga Whanau Katorika The New Zealand Catholic Bishops have been mindful of the challenges many people in our community are facing during

School Attendance Dues COVID-19 Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available to assist families who may need financial support as a result of the Covid-19 Virus with the payment of 2020 Attendance

Sewing For Service
Year 7 student Kate Lim has been sewing away throughout quarantine, learning how to make beautiful bags for the outer Carmel Community. She plans to

Food Technology Students Would Like Your Feedback
The Year 12 and 13 Food Technology students are in the process of developing innovative outcomes and will be ready to start trialling their ideas

Sports Update
Sport is a vital part of our Carmel Community and our Heads of Sport have been making sure that during this lockdown period it is

Developing Our Student Coaches During Lockdown
Thank you to Shaun Matthews from Harbour Sport for facilitating an hour long online workshop with some of our student coaches. Such a great opportunity

Online Well Being Programme For Teenagers
Click read more for further information in the Thrive for Teens Infosheet

De Paul House Appeal – They Need Your Help
Dear Supporter These have been challenging times for all New Zealanders and we hope you and your family are safe and well. COVID 19 Impact